Find an Otolaryngologist

You can find an Otolaryngologist by typing in a key word like name, city, town, village, borough, or specialty. Do as many searches as you'd like by re-typing various keywords. This is a large database so the search will take a few moments.

In addition, these listings are for the physician's primary office.

Otolaryngologists may have satellite offices in other locations and members of public should contact NYSSO-HNS for additional information.


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New York State Society of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery © 2012


The NYSSO-HNS Member Search is intended for use by the general public to assist in locating Otolaryngologists within a specific region. All data is self-reported and is not intended for use by organizations requiring credentialing verification. This directory is compiled from self-reported information provided by member Otolaryngologists. Although NYSSO-HNS undertakes reasonable efforts to keep the information and accurate, NYSSO-HNS does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained in this member directory. NYSSO-HNS does not in any way endorse the individuals listed in the directory, nor does NYSSO-HNS verify medical qualifications, licenses, practice areas or suitability of the listed Otolaryngologists. In no event shall NYSSO-HNS be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information.